The Clúster Tecnolóxico Empresarial das Ciencias da Vida and the Axencia Galega de Innovación arrive at  Bio-Europe 2023, celebrated between the 6th and 8th of November in Munich, in order to reinforce the support of the EU market.

Santiago. 07/11/2023. The Clúster Tecnolóxico Empresarial das Ciencias da Vida (Bioga) has signed strategic collaboration agreements with the bioregions of Japan and the United Kingdom, in order to foster synergies and improve competitiveness within the region’s biotech fabric. These agreements will allow the three regions develop joined actions, share projects and promote their cooperation.

The agreement with Japan was signed trough the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), and the alliance with the United Kingdom was initialed with the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC). The OSIT, seated in the city of Okinawa, is notable due to their international acceleration and incubation programs for startup companies linked to biotech, and because of their exchange and transfer programs, both for the company and for researchers interested in the life sciences sector within Japan. On the other hand, the IBioIC, located in Glasgow, is an entity dedicated to supporting and creating connections within the industry, the academic world and public administrations, so they may propell industrial biotechnology.

The president of Bioga, José Manuel López Vilariño, highlights that the agreements initialed with Japan and the United Kingdom “allow us to build bridges”, which are a key to learn about the sector’s situation first hand in different markets, and “learning about the potential opportunities for Galician companies”. In his mind, these alliances “draw a path to developing future projects that will grow the competitive capabilities of the Galician biotech sector”; this sector having already signed agreements in 2022 with bioregions in places such as the United States and Brazil.

Presence in  Bio-Europe 2023

Following their wager in internationalization of the biotech sector, the Clúster Tecnolóxico Empresarial das Ciencias da Vida and the Axencia Galega de Innovación will be present in Bio-Europe 2023, the main biotech and pharma fair in Europe, being celebrated in Munich this year, from the 6th to the 8th of November.

Bio-Eurupe 2023 attracts the most important companies from the biotech sector, pharma and investors, maintaining thousands of bilateral encounters. It is predicted this year will have around 5,500 assistants, representing 60 countries and more than 2,200 companies. Between these participants, there will be entities such as OIST and other German, Taiwanese, Canadian and North American entities, with who Bioga worked along these past years. The wager for internationalization is key in order to promote the exchange of knowledge and the sells outside of small and medium galician companies; it is one of the main priorities captured in the Biotech Sector Consolidation Strategy of Galicia 2021-2025, propelled by the regional Administration.

More information: and Bio-Europe 2023.
Bioga’s Communications Cabinet: 679.486.961

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