Galicia, as a whole, is wholeheartedly embracing biotechnology as a catalyst for economic, social, and technological progress. The 2021-2025 Consolidation Strategy for Galicia’s Biotechnology Sector plays a pivotal role in structuring and organizing the biotechnology ecosystem around the local business community.
This initiative is spearheaded by the Government of Galicia, working through the Galician Agency for Innovation, in collaboration with the Business Technology Cluster for Life Sciences, known as BIOGA. Its primary focus lies in fostering public-private partnerships. The entire sector stands united, working synergistically and collaboratively to position Galicia as a globally renowned Bioregion
Galicia boasts a cutting-edge biotechnology industry, featuring globally leading flagship companies and innovative startups dedicated to developing state-of-the-art products and services.
Galicia is on its way to becoming one of the leading bioregions internationally in research and business development. Specifically, Galicia has identified the following priority subsectors for action:

M€ sector’s revenue
M€ Investment in R&D
technology companies

Our strengths as a Bioregion
are grounded in a global value chain that collaborates effectively