The Life Sciences Cluster incorporates AMSvet, AMSfood, AMSbiopharma, CIFGA and Nexotech as their new members, who will locate their laboratories in the future AMSlab headquarters in O Ceao, where they have invested six million euros.

LUGO. 24/10/2023. “We want to be an essential part of Galicia’s biotech ecosystem, and to intensely collaborate in the global mission of placing Galicia as one of the main Biotech regions in the world”. These are the words of Manuel Lolo, CEO of AMSlab, the biotech company with their headquarters on Lugo, which integrates a number of companies specialized in analytical solutions for the veterinarian, pharma, foods and clinical sectors.

AMSlab, as a sign of “firm commitment” with Galicia’s biotech sector, has just integrated their five companies into the Life Sciences Technological Companies Cluster (Bioga), lead by Jóse Manuel López Vilariño. All five of these companies currently reside in Lugo: AMSvet is a firm dedicated to toxicology and analytical services in the veterinarian sector; AMSbiopharma offers analytical services in the pharma, biopharma and chemistry sectors; CIFGA is a reference material manufacturing firm for the agricultural, cosmetic and textile sectors; AMSfood dedicates themselves to the quality control of the foods sector, and Nexotech manufactures analytical kits and solutions for both human and animal health.

“AMSlab is an example for our community’s biotech sector: it is a company with a clear international vocation with roots in Galicia, investing in Galicia and manifesting, with their company strategy, a clear commitment to become a protagonist in the biotech ecosystem, ever so expanding and demanding as it is” notes Jóse Manuel López Vilariño, who also gives thanks for “the firm’s commitment, being located in Lugo, with Bioga‘s project”.

AMSlab, an already established firm on the biotech sector, is immersed on a growth and expansion process, derived from the adquisition of AMSfashion on the part of Bureau Veritas, and the birth of new projects, such as Nexotech. “Our company is undergoing a series of changes which indicate our growth, we evolve and prepare to face our near future with guarantees”, highlights Lolo, who notes that “all of these present and future changes showcase this is a good moment to bind our companies to Bioga“.

The biotech company from Lugo will innaugurate their new facilities come the end of 2024. AMSlab adquired, in O Ceao’s complex in Lugo, a industrial unit with a total area of 5.000 m², where they have invested six million euros. The future installations, distributed among three floors, will house laboratories and administrative areas.

“Short term we will count with enough capacity to house a diverse range of working enviroments, matching the different divisions of our group, which will facilitate a 40% increase in our workforce, predicted for the coming two years”. The company presided by Lolo is currently in fourty countries and tends to around 1.200 clients.

More information: Bioga’s Communications Cabinet: 679.486.961.