A FIDIS spinoff is performing clinical trials in three hospitals, one of them a clinical trial “with good results”

The FlowReserve Labs company, an associate of Bioga with a technological base in the USC, was born in 2020, with the vocational goal of improving the quality of life of ischemic heart disease patients, as well as to prevent said disease. Part of the Non Lineal Physics group from the USC and from the Fundación Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela (FIDIS), their scientific assesment committee is composed of teachers from the Physics Faculty from the USC and members of the cardiology team from the CHUS, with Dr. González Juanatey being on top. “What we’re doing is offering a cardiological indications calculation trough non invasive techniques, which will allow for the diagnosis of the coronary system and improve treatment”, indicates Irene Otero, CEO of FlowReserve, graduated in Law by the USC and business development/market internationalization specialist. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 450.000 Spanish people suffer from this disease.

The spinoff offers two differenciated products: a clinical diagnosis support report and a digital heart twin, trough which “we model the blood flow in the arteries, eliminating hospitalization and an invasive test used nowadays, known as cardiac catheterization”. Irene Otero defines it as a “completely innovative technological solution, which does not exist nowadays in Spanish hospitals”.

Currently, they are running clinical trials with real patients, performed in the clinical hospital of Santiago and the Valladolid and Salamanca hospitals. “We’re testing the tool and we’re obtaining great results”, she points out.

They have already filed for two international patents; what’s more, they are participating in the Ship2B acceleration program, in Barcelona. “We’re trying to obtain financing trough different avenues, programs and administrations, in order to continue our activities and commecialize the medical device post haste”, she assures.

The company has just received the Revelación award within the frame of the eighth edition of the Forum Retos Internacionales de Ecosistema Salud (RIES 23), an event lead by the Clúster da Saúde de Galiciawho gathered healthcare experts and professionals, providing a space in order to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the national and international health ecosystem. “It is an aknowledgement of our labor and it provides visibility. We are associates of the Clúster da Saúde de Galicia, who have supported us with different actions, and this aknowledgement means an important boost for FlowReserve“, she comments. “When the award was delivered, the impact our tool has was assessed, not only improving the quality of life of the patients, but also because it means a decrease in cost for the healthcare system, on top of the precision it provides for the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease”.

Original article: La USC estudia una herramienta para mejorar la precisión del diagnóstico de pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica – Lorena Rey, El Correo Gallego (15/11/2023)

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